Capture your ideas without interrupting your flow.
You have ideas, so many ideas.
While you're out for a walk, a to-do pops into
At lunch, an approach to a problem pops into
During a zoom call, a weekend plan pops into
Jot the ideas you want to revisit.
It takes just a few seconds.
What might you capture?
Heading into the office, Sam remembers it’s his turn to lead the team meeting next week.
He jots himself to pick up squoosh balls for the ice breaker.
Browsing reddit, Anne realizes that self-filling duck pond would be perfect for her backyard!
She jots herself to think it over.
Struggling with a project problem, Arvind recalls a friend who has dealt with similar issues.
He jots himself to ask for her advice.
Refining a design, Leticia realizes that the original timeline now looks dicey.
She jots herself to flag the risk to the team.
Biking home, Ludovic notices a new restaurant has just opened nearby.
He jots himself to check it out.
To corral your ideas over the course of a day, you might send a half-dozen jots or more.
How many ideas might slip by you today? Ready to tackle them?